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Discussing, developing and applying reasonable assumptions and estimates is integral to three of the seven steps in the financial planning process.


Better risk tolerance measurement

We start by measuring online your risk tolerance personality through proven psychometric approaches consistent and demonstrated over decades of research to be a more reliability assessment of your unique personality, with measurements consistent over time.


Better financial planning 

Join forces with people expert in a durable financial planning quantitative framework, for more advanced analytics, richer granularity, deeper insights, and smarter decisions.

  • Forward-looking capital market assumptions for eight asset classes from the BlackRock Investment Institute and State Street Global Advisors Investment Solutions Group. Updated quarterly.

  • Investment correlations for our twenty-eight from Research Affiliates.

  • Inflation assumptions from the Philadelphia Fed Survey of Professional Forecasters, the Social Security Administration, CMS and Grosse Point Capital Management,. Updated quarterly.

  • Investment tax assumptions from Invesco Investment Solutions.

  • Life expectancy from the two leading actuarial organizations.











“What gets measured gets managed.”

Peter Drucker


An evidence-based approach

What we expect from capital is informed largely by assumptions. Assumptions help measure wealth and lend insight into the trade-offs necessary to meet our most enduring goals and priorities. They even provide context to help define our goals.


We assume investment returns and risks. We assume real estate and business value. We assume lifetime income and health. We even assume assumptions—that the financial research and institutional knowledge we use is competent.


​Smart assumptions drawn from financial science, institutional research and technological innovation can help inspire confidence and more trustworthy decisions.


Tailored to you

​But one assumption we will never make: your goals and needs. Our process makes sure every component of your wealth is aligned with your life goals ‒ personally, professionally and financially.


Ease of use​

​We feature the top-rated RightCapital software host for advanced financial calculations  addressing financial planning, portfolio management, interactive retirement scenarios, tax-efficient strategies, and demystified estate planning.


Test any and all possibilities at the slide of a bar, AWS speed, 24/7, any device.





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Grosse Point Capital Management

909 Davis St., Suite 500

Evanston, IL 60201

847.550.7100 phone and text


Grosse Point Capital Management is a registered investment adviser and licensed insurance broker. The presence of this website shall not be directly or indirectly interpreted as a solicitation of investment advisory services or insurance sales to anyone of another jurisdiction unless otherwise permitted by law. Not all investments and insurance products are available in every state. Investors outside of the United States are subject to securities and tax regulations within their applicable jurisdictions. Follow-up or individualized responses to anyone in a particular state by Grosse Point Capital Management in the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation shall not be made without our first complying with jurisdiction requirements.


This material may contain estimates, forward-looking statements and forecasts, which do not represent a guarantee of future performance. This information is not intended to be complete or exhaustive and no representations or warranties, either express or implied, are made regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. The opinions expressed are as of the date shown above and are subject to change without notice. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the reader.


Investing involves risks. including loss of principal. Many factors affect investment performance at any time, and past results are not indicative of the future. No assurance can be made that investment objectives will be achieved or losses will not be sustained. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.


Insurance guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing carrier. Contract definitions may vary and features may not be guaranteed. Read your policy carefully.


Withdrawals and loans from a life insurance policy reduce the death benefit and cash value, may increase the chance the policy will lapse, and may result in a tax liability if the policy terminates before the death of the insured. â€‹Annuities are long-term, tax-deferred investments designed for retirement, and can fluctuate in value. If you decide to take your money out early, you may face surrender charges, and if you're not yet 59½, you may also have to pay an additional ten percent tax penalty on top of ordinary income taxes.


© 2023 Grosse Point Capital Management, all rights reserved.



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